A basic widget for getting the user password input.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
The default style of Password component.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return <Password label="Password" placeholder="Enter your password" />;
You can change the style of Password using variant property.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your password"
<Password label="Flat" placeholder="Enter your password" variant="flat" />
<Password label="Text" placeholder="Enter your password" variant="text" />
You can change the style of Password using size property.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
<Password label="Small" placeholder="Enter your password" size="sm" />
<Password label="Default" placeholder="Enter your password" />
<Password label="Large" placeholder="Enter your password" size="lg" />
label="Extra Large"
placeholder="Enter your password"
You can change the style of Password using rounded property.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
label="Rounded None"
placeholder="Enter your password"
label="Rounded Small"
placeholder="Enter your password"
<Password label="Rounded Default" placeholder="Enter your password" />
label="Rounded Large"
placeholder="Enter your password"
label="Rounded Full"
placeholder="Enter your password"
Prefix & Visibility Icon
You can change the style of Password using prefix, visibilityToggleIcon property.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
import { LockClosedIcon, LockOpenIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your password"
prefix={<LockClosedIcon className="h-[18px] w-[18px]" />}
label="Custom Visibility Icon"
placeholder="Enter your password"
visibilityToggleIcon={(visible) =>
visible ? (
<LockOpenIcon className="h-auto w-5" />
) : (
<LockClosedIcon className="h-auto w-5" />
With Clearable Button
You can create clearable Password using clearable property.
import { useState } from "react";
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
const [state, setState] = useState("my_password");
return (
onClear={() => setState("")}
onChange={(e) => setState(}
placeholder="Your password"
You can disable Password using disabled. Disabled password fileds does not have any effect of property color property.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
label="Active Disabled"
placeholder="Enter you passwrod"
With Helper Text
You can show help text to Password using helperText property.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your password"
helperText="This is helper text"
With Error Message
You can show the validation error message using error property.
import { Password } from "rizzui";
export default function App() {
return (
placeholder="Enter your password"
error="This field is required."
API Reference
Password Props
Here is the API documentation of the Password component. And the rest of the props are the same as the original html input field type password.
Props | Type | Description | Default |
label | ReactNode | Set field label | __ |
labelWeight | LabelWeight | Set label font weight | "medium" |
placeholder | string | Set input placeholder text | __ |
variant | PasswordVariants | The variants of the component are: | "outline" |
size | PasswordSizes | The size of the component. "sm" is equivalent to the dense input styling. | "md" |
rounded | PasswordRoundeds | The rounded variants are: | "md" |
disabled | boolean | Whether the input is disabled or not | __ |
clearable | boolean | Add clearable option | __ |
onClear | PasswordOnclear | clear event | __ |
prefix | ReactNode | The prefix is design for adding any icon or text on the Input field's start (it's a left icon for the ltr and right icon for the rtl ) | __ |
visibilityToggleIcon | ((visible: boolean) => ReactNode) | It is the password visibility toggle icon. | __ |
helperText | ReactNode | Add helper text. It could be string or a React component | __ |
error | string | Show error message using this prop | __ |
labelClassName | string | Override default CSS style of label | __ |
inputClassName | string | Override default CSS style of input | __ |
prefixClassName | string | Override default CSS style of prefix | __ |
visibilityToggleIconClassName | string | Override default CSS style of password show/hide toggle icon | __ |
helperClassName | string | Override default CSS style of helperText | __ |
errorClassName | string | Override default CSS style of error message | __ |
className | string | Add custom classes to the root of the component | __ |
ref | Ref<HTMLInputElement> | __ | |
... | InputHTMLAttributes | native props like value, onChange, onFocus, onBlur ... | __ |
Password Variants
type PasswordVariants = "outline" | "flat" | "text";
Label Weight
type LabelWeight = "normal" | "medium" | "semibold" | "bold";
Password Sizes
type PasswordSizes = "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl";
Password Rounded
type PasswordRounded = "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "none" | "pill";
Password onClear
type PasswordOnclear = (event) => void;